GH project #2

  During the past three months, in digital citizenship class, we were given the privilege to work on  our second Genius Hour project. The project was for us to discover new things about what we are passionate about. And how can we teach that to the world, and how can we, through what we are passionate about, change the world.

  The first step I took while I prepared my presentation was to find what I was going to present. I was scrambling my mind for ideas, when I got a really good idea. I found out that I was looking for inspiration. So, my project was about inspiration. Also because I always loved to inspire people, and make people feel inspired. I wanted to learn more about that art.

  My second step was finding more information on the subject. I connected with people within the field of inspiration and motivation on twitter, as that was a requirement for the project. I got some responses, but those responses were rather brief. So, I used the internet with its reliable sources(I hope) to help me learn more about inspiration, and also structure my presentation. Through this step I learned a lot of things on the subject of my project. I learned that inspiration came from within people, and came from the will of being inspired, I learned that the human brain could be really helpful, if used smartly, because some people are just born being dumb. I learned that everyone has the privilege and the right to be inspired. I learned that inspiration comes from nothing, to later on become everything, or become something that could change the face of the world, forever. I learned that inspiration is a major key to changing the world, as it innovates people’s minds.

  My third step is to grow as a person with the help of those informations. All those informations helped me to be mindful of myself and what I can I do to change the world around me. Those informations taught me that anything can inspiration can be found anywhere, and that there is no such thing as the lack of inspiration. They taught me that I always have to be ready to be amazed and inspired by my brain, or the people around me. They taught me that one of my thoughts could impact the world, in a good way, and that I should continue on thinking more and also working, so that one day, I hope, one thing I will accomplish is making the world around me,if not the whole world, a better place.

  The fourth step, and my goal for the presentation, was to make people feel inspired, or at least try to do so.

  My next Genius Hour Project will be about fashion, because being good looking could inspire the world around you, as it makes you look more credible.

Here’s my presentation:

Jack Kornfield Whatever point of view you have, there's anotherCreative Commons License BK via Compfight

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