Genius Hour Project reflection

For my first Genius Hour Project, I researched and presented on: unemployment and economic inequality in South Africa. And what did I learn from it? A lot, it gave me a better understanding of economy in general, but also South Africa’s economic path. I learned that South Africa has a lot of hope, but now the wrong path is being taken. Did it help me grow as a person? I became more aware of my homecountry, and how I can contribute to make it grow. I found out that to make it grow, I’ll have to do good at school, because education is the key to success, and after I can help South Africa move forward. Another question is what could my learning about this project contribute to the world. It gives hope to the world, because it shows that not only adults are interested in the economy, but kids too. That kids are also interested in their future, and are ready to contribute to make the world a better place. The solutions I found could help South Africa grow. The solutions were mostly based on improving education, and investor trust in the country. Also increasing the popularity of “Proudly South African” goods. The last question is: How will my next genius hour project help the world? It will inspire the world, because it will be about inspiration, or it will just be funny if i choose to do comedy. Here’s a link to my first genius hour presentation: